
Friday, August 3, 2007

We are Home

After a night in the hospital, gyne allows Pauline and Baby discharge from hospital anytime today. (pauline already complaining the poor food and how boring the hospital was.... u all know lar how pauline nag...muahahahahahhahahhah)

I'm glad that we are heading home as I've hardly sleep for the whole night... A 30 min drive from Damansara Specialist Hospital to Bukit Hijau (seems glamor right bukit hijau actually in cheras lar...hahahhahhaahah), we are Home.

Unfortunately, we've been FFK (fong fei kei) by the nanny we hired as she promised to turn up when the baby is out from hospital. She had postponed to come on Sunday. We were really upset at that point but no choice, we cannot take thing personal and we are parents now and have to take all responsibilities for baby...

Alot of first time for me, as Pauline still weak and ZZZZZZzzzzzz from hospital to house. Myself still without sufficient rest and sleep... Taking full responsibility as a father I've take care the baby for 2 days and Pauline helps on the daily breastfeed and milk feed... As a new father-hood, I learned pretty much without guidance on how to make milk, change pampers, wipe her small butt and etc...(actually there are still alot of things)

In fact, I think without nanny I also can take care of my baby girl already... (why should I pay her muahahahahahah!!!) The 3rd days after discharged, I suddenly feel mentally and pyschically exhausted because of stay up midnight to do all the feeding, cleaning and changing..... the worst part of me... I felt to loss my temporary memory... OMG is really that serious...i can't recall today is what date or even time and I need nothing but sleeeeeeppp...

so to you who read my blog if you need any advisory from me you can call or sms me, i'll reveal to you step by step how to expect when your wife is expecting!!! muahahahahahahaha....

Baby girl is back to Home...

She looks cute while sleeping, doesn't she??!!

My mom her grandmother, let her expose to some sunlight to avoid jaundice...

After the sun-bath she sleeps again... how i wish to be her... drink, sleep, drink, sleep the only routine of the day

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